Business Advisory

Our business plan service is dedicated to addressing your strategic planning needs. We create expert business plans written by our experienced writers. Our goal is to develop tailored business plans at an affordable cost. Business plans are required for bank loans, investors, venture capitalists, and financial backers. Our clients no longer need to worry about the complexities of becoming an expert business plan writer. Our qualified writers take an entrepreneur’s ideas and objectives and put them into a format that banking institutions and investors require.

 Business Plan Analysis

Composing a high-quality business plan can be challenging and time-consuming, even for those who have done it before. As a busy entrepreneur, you’re already focusing on other critical aspects of your business, such as building your client base, refining your product, or recruiting key management. We can help.

Our Business Planning Services Include

  • Executive Summaries: The first thing most investors want to see is a compelling executive summary. The goal of an executive summary is to prompt investors to request the full business plan or pitch deck. However, crafting a persuasive executive summary can be just as challenging as developing the entire business plan. This is your one opportunity to make an excellent first impression, and we can help you get it right.
  • Business Plan Development: We will assist you in refining your strategy, researching and analyzing your market and competitive position, and creating a clear and convincing business plan to express your opportunity. We will save you valuable hours that you can better spend on other priorities.
  • Pitch Decks: Many investors today prefer a stand-alone pitch deck rather than a full business plan. An effective pitch deck should be polished, concise, and tell just the right story without being overly detailed. It must still be supported by solid research, analysis, and strategy.
  • Business Plan Review: If you have already written your business plan, we can provide an objective third-party review before you submit it to investors.
  • Presentation Design: Clean, clear presentations are critical, whether you are seeking capital, partners, clients, or employees. We will help you design an outstanding presentation and guide you on how to deliver it in an engaging way.

New Entity Information

We provide comprehensive New Entity Formation (Company Registration) services. Our expert team ensures that these services meet the highest standards.

The formation process includes

  • Obtaining Director Identification Number (DIN)
  • Obtaining Digital Signature Certificates (DSC) for each Director/Promoter
  • Obtaining approval for the proposed company name from the Registrar of Companies (ROC)
  • Submitting the application for incorporation, along with the Memorandum and Articles of Association and other essential documents to the ROC
    • Memorandum of Association: Defines the constitution and objectives of the company
    • Articles of Association: Defines the rules and regulations for managing the company’s daily activities
  • After reviewing the documents, the ROC issues the Certificate of Incorporation.

We offer New Entity Formation services for both Private Limited and Public Limited companies.

Investment Analysis

Analysis of the data used to make purchase decisions is critical to the success of an investment. For our clients, we calculate the rate of return, which is the amount of profit, operating cash flow, or pre-tax payment received on an investment, expressed as a percentage of the actual expenditure. We guide our clients through the steps of assessing the rate of return. A thorough understanding of the rate of return can provide deeper insights into a client’s business potential and financial success. Achieving success requires a disciplined approach to formulating a business plan and financial forecast, on which the rate of return is calculated.

Our clients who have successfully started a new business or purchased a cash-generating asset for investment purposes made their financial decisions based on our forecasts and research of the cash flow from the income-producing asset. We carefully compile and analyze the financial data used in making the purchase decision, which is critical for the success of our client’s investment.

Projected Rate of Return on the Investment: Achieving success requires a disciplined approach to formulating a business plan and financial forecast, on which the rate of return is based. Our clients understand the non-financial risks and opportunities of the purchase transaction. What they need to understand is what we offer to evaluate the financial return on their investment.

Cost of Capital: Under normal circumstances, before an investment decision is made, the investor may choose to earn a short-term, guaranteed rate of income or interest on any money that is not immediately needed for other expenses. The time period typically ranges between one and three months. Purchases of bank certificates of deposit and treasury bills are the most convenient and safe short-term investments. Bank deposits and treasury bills are considered money market investments.


Calculating the Cost of Capital to Establish an Acceptable Rate of Return: New business investments, entrepreneurs, and other individuals will often place their short-term financial assets in risk-free treasury bills or government-insured bank deposits. Interest rates paid on short-term, risk-free investments must be the first criteria used in deciding what pre-tax rate of return is acceptable for placing one’s savings at risk in a new business investment or asset purchase.